Sunday 7 April 2024

Spring at Wisley

During March we visited RHS Wisley twice.
First we went at the beginning of the month

to see the spring flowers.

The new Piet Oudolf garden taking shape.

In the Alpine House

There were dinosaurs in the glasshouse!

Our second visit was at the end of the month to see the cherry blossom.

A Leap Year

February saw M and me back in the pottery studio.
This time we made a heart shaped bowl 

and some hearts to hang up.

Mid month, my husband and I visited Welford Park to see the drifts of snowdrops in the woodland there.

On our way home I noticed a castle ruin on a hill, glowing in the late afternoon sun.
So we stopped to look at the gate house that is all that is left of Donnington Castle.

Valentine's Day

A local town hosted a light trail and the rain held off one evening so we took a look at the event.

Out for a walk, some of the paths were flooded due to all the recent rain.

Towards the end of the month, my friend T and I went to Unravel, a fibre festival in Farnham.