The Animal Kingdom
Exact replica of the most complete T Rex ever found.
South Dakota August 1990.
90% complete.
I as lucky enough to see one of these in the wild on a nest.
Mickey on parade.
Wild birds roosting.
More fast rides and lots of animal watching.

This wooden rollercoaster was a bit rough - made my brain rattle!
American Alligator
We were surprised to see turtles in with the alligators as in the wild they are usually lunch.
Black Crowned Crane
Meet the family.
All joking aside, it never ceases to amaze me how closely we are related.
More clowning around by OH.
Ring-tailed Lemar.
Spotted Hyena
Tigers - gorgeous creatures
Black Rhinos.
Cooling off in the mist.
As we were leaving the park we spotted this!