Wild foxgloves in a nearby wood.
The roses are in bloom.
Rambling Rector
The hardy geraniums are in flower.
Mrs Kendall ClarkKashmir Pink
Johnson's Blue
Today we walked through a field of Ragged Robin. And I have used my heart cupcake moulds for the first time.
I sprinkled 100's and 1000's onto the mixture before cooking for a sugary, crunchy topping. I was worried that they might not come out of the moulds but they did.
I also made some hazelnut cookies with the last of our foraged nuts.
225g/8oz plain flour
15g/0.5oz baking powder
115g/4oz Stork block margarine
115g/4oz demerara sugar
115g/4oz chunkily, chopped hazelnuts
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
25-50ml/1-2 fl oz milk
Preheat oven to 170'c. Sift flour & baking powder together & rub in margarine until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Add sugar and hazelnuts. Stir in vanilla extract and enough milk to form a soft rollable dough. Turn out onto a floured surface, roll & cutout cookie shapes. Bake for 7 - 10 minutes until pale brown.
Nuts can be substituted with chocolate drops.