You may have wondered why my blog is called "The Snail Garden"... it is because of my love/hate relationship with snails. I love beauties like this Banded Snail, but hate the common brown garden snail and the way that they munch through my garden! Unfortunately we have a phenomenal amount of the brown snails. Luckily we also get a lot of frogs in the garden.
White-lipped Banded Snail
Chalkhill Blue Butterfly

Green Carpet Moth
Luckily they don't eat carpets or in this moth's case - curtains! Their main food is bedstraw.
what lovely pictures,but I must admit I can't stand snails or slugs,its a good thing you get plenty of frogs in your garden,we hope to build a pond for them at our next house!
Love from Kathyann and the girls
Sorry I forgot to say I love your felted heart its so pretty,felting is something I haven't had a go at,is it easy to do?
Technically I "full" rather than "felt", which is really easy and the end result is the same. I just put the knitted item into the washing machine, add some pure soap flakes and one of Jay's old trainers! Wash at 40'C, after 10 mins of agitation, check item (don't panic if it is bigger - the wool relaxes first), keep checking every 5 - 10 mins until item has felted and shrunk to required size. Drain, rinse once without agitation and lightly spin. Block item to shape and leave to dry. I have made handbags using this method and they are really strong. Have fun, Pj
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