My Buddleia has lived up to its name - "The Butterfly Bush" - as it has been covered in butterflies during the sunny spells. The bees love it too. The garden has been alive with the buzzing of the bees and the fluttering of the butterflies. We also seem to have a lot of Sparrows living in our hedge, which is good as, nationally, they are in decline. Unfortunately I have also discovered two types of Harlequin Ladybirds in the front garden - not good news.
These are some of the butterflies that have visited my Buddleia. They are Gatekeeper (top left), Peacock (top right), Painted Lady (bottom left) and Comma (bottom right).

My collection of "arty bits", as I call them, seems to be growing. These are just a few of them.

I'm looking forward to spending more time pottering around my garden during the summer holidays. My garden may be small, but I can spend all day in there! I also have a long list of craft items to make over the holidays. I have recently completed a "bee" item for a swap on the CL forum, I can't post a photo as the swap items are meant to be a surprise. We also have a few days booked in a caravan and plan to visit my family in Norfolk. I'm wondering if 6 weeks is long enough! :)
"Happy Summer Holidays Everyone"
Pj x