My Buddleia has lived up to its name - "The Butterfly Bush" - as it has been covered in butterflies during the sunny spells. The bees love it too. The garden has been alive with the buzzing of the bees and the fluttering of the butterflies. We also seem to have a lot of Sparrows living in our hedge, which is good as, nationally, they are in decline. Unfortunately I have also discovered two types of Harlequin Ladybirds in the front garden - not good news.
These are some of the butterflies that have visited my Buddleia. They are Gatekeeper (top left), Peacock (top right), Painted Lady (bottom left) and Comma (bottom right).

"Happy Summer Holidays Everyone"
Pj x
I love the figurine in the centre of the selection- the hug. very lovely!
Leanne x
I love your photos.
I feel like that about my allotment, it is like my super safe place to sit and think!
Oh a beee thing.......
Six weeks passes in the blink of an eye - I hope you have a lovely time when you are away and when you are at home as well. My buddleia is out too but oddly enough I don't get all that many butterflies on it, lots of bees and other insects though. The butterflies come when the plums ripen - I leave some fallen ones and the garden is alive with peacock and red admiral butterflies getting high on the fermenting fruit!
Hi there, thank you for your comments - I love receiving them.
Leanne, the statue was a gift from my husband for my 40th - it has been there a "few" years!
Rowan, this is the first year that the butterflies have found my Buddleia - I didn't see any on it last year, so maybe they will discover yours soon. You are so right about 6 weeks flying by, I never know where they go to - they used to seem so long when I was a child.
Kackers, you have time to sit at your allotment?lol! I know what you mean really, we lost track of time there last evening - suddenly it was getting dark! I must take the camera there next time.
Best wishes, Pj x
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