Monday, 7 February 2011

The First Spring Flowers

My garden is slowly waking up from, what has seemed like, a long Winter. The first Spring flowers are starting to appear. These Primroses are always early in the shady corner of the garden.
The pretty faces of the Pansies are turned towards the sun.
And the first Crocuses are in bloom, beside the Winter Aconites.
It has been a very windy week here and all of my attempts to photograph the Snowdrops, that sway in the wind, have turned out blurry!

On the craft scene I have been experimenting with shrink plastic. A couple of summers ago, my husband picked up this stone from a beach and handed it to me saying it was a necklace for me.
I have glazed the front with Diamond Glaze, stamped some shrink plastic with background detail, bronze coloured shells (hidden in photo) and the word "sea".
And for Janet, the winner of my giveaway -
This is in the post for you. Hope it arrives okay.
Thank you for taking part in my giveaway. Best wishes, Pj x