I've spent quite a productive weekend at home. I had a huge sort out in my daughter's untidy wardrobes and drawers. Everything is very organised now, so I am hoping she will keep it that way! Not very likely as she is naturally messy, I recently called her messy and she said that was an inconvenient truth! lol! On the other hand my son is very tidy, I almost never have to tidy his room. OH says that it is unnatural! You can guess by that comment that he isn't tidy either!
I have also completed these two photo frames, called Little Treasures. I bought the kit years ago and couldn't decide which pictures to put in! I have decided that 2009 is stash-busting year. I am only going to buy something if it is needed to complete a project that is being made with items from my stash. I have so many bits and pieces around that I may still be doing this in 2010!
This is Fay, one month old
and Jay one day old.
Also I altered my usual cheesecake recipe slightly to use chocolate digestive biscuits in the base and I swirled melted chocolate onto the top of the cheese layer.
The recipe is from the Nigella Express book, but I make it slightly differently :-
125g digestive biscuits, crushed in a bag and mixed with 75g melted butter.
Press into the base of a 20cm spring-form tin.
Mix together 300g cream cheese, 60g of icing sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1/2 tsp lemon juice.
Lightly whip 250ml of double cream and fold into cheese mixture.
Pour onto base and smooth top.
Refrigerate for 3 hours.
I was a little late this weekend and it only got 1 hour in the fridge. The recipe says to top with black cherry spread, but I use chocolate or leave the top bear and add more lemon juice and the zest to the topping and serve with homegrown cooked blackcurrants. I have also done this with orange and served with homegrown rhubarb stewed in orange juice.
When looking for the above mentioned recipe the book opened up at Hokey Pokey so I just had to make a batch!
Despite the horrible weather one little Winter Aconite has bravely shown its face in my garden. Lots of bulbs are poking their leaves through the soil, full of promise that spring can't be too far away.
Thank you to the people who have taken part in my little giveaway. Only a few of you replied so only a small hat was needed. Out of the hat I pulled :-
1. Leanne
2. MrsL
3. Gorse Wine
Please e-mail me at thesnailgarden@hotmail.co.uk with your addresses and I will post the items to you this week. I had fun doing this and will do another giveaway in the future. Hope you like the items that I have made. Best wishes, Pj x
*claps hands*
How thrilling! Thank you :) I shall email you now :)
Nice post! Have tkaend ownt he recipe and off to do some Hokey Pokey thing later!
that hokeypokey looks interesting, I'lll have to try that too!
thank you so much for the giveaway draw, my address is now emailed to you!
leanne x
Beware - the hokey pokey should come with a health warning ;) It didn't last a day in this house!
I now have everyone's addresses and the parcels will be in the post today.
Best wishes, Pj xx
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