Friday 9 August 2024

All the Festivals - March 2024

March was a busy month, starting with a visit to Norfolk to see my parents.
 We spent a lovely day with L & N, walking around Sheringham Park.

The following morning S & I went to Hickling Broad to see the common cranes.  We did see them, but they were too far away for my camera.

In the afternoon I met L at East Anglia Yarn Festival,
for an afternoon of squishing yarn.
Sunday was Mother's Day.  After spending the morning with my Mum,

we drove home via Duxford Quilt Festival

Then it was home again and our children came to visit.

A friend invited me to a silver jewellery making workshop with her.

We made some bangles.
I went with a moon theme with a moon charm and 2 moonstones.

Easter fell in March this year.
I like to put up a few simple decorations.

There was also some baking for Easter Sunday when our children visited.

In the afternoon, we walked up St Catherine's Hill

Towards the end of March we went to see the cherry blossom at RHS Wisley.

and another day I took the train into London to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Islington.

I ended my day with a visit to our son's to see his new kittens.

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