Thursday 8 March 2012

A Successful Shopping Trip

Middle-age spread is a terrible thing!  All of my life I have been able to eat what I like and stay the same size.  Not any more!! :(  This weekend we will be helping my parents to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and although I had been casually looking for a new dress, I fully expected to wear one I have had for a couple of years and hardly worn.  Sadly, when I tried it on it was too tight around the ribs!  Okay, not worried yet,  I have a back-up dress.  Too tight on the bust!!!  My wardrobe and I are no longer on speaking terms!  Hence the dash into town late yesterday.  I don't buy many new clothes, as I can never seem to find anything suitable in the shops.  I tend to hang onto my existing outfits for a long while; which is why I am blogging about this shopping trip - it is so unusual for me to find one dress that fits, let alone three and there was 20% off. :)
This is the dress that I will be wearing to my parents' do.
That ruching is very forgiving! ;)

I also bought these two to wear for less formal occasions
and maybe for work.
I was on a roll - I also found a new swimming costume.
Mine only last a year as I go swimming three times a week.

Some pretty pink pearls to go with the dress.
I also bought some underwear, but I'm not showing you those!
I will show you these though.
You know it's bad when you stop buying stockings and reach for the support tights!! :)


Mac n' Janet said...

I love the style of the dresses, I have a couple of dresses and blouses made like that. Very flattering.
The shape of our bodies only gets worse as we age. I eat less, exercise more, and weigh more than I've ever weighed in my life.

Deb Hickman said...

Your new dresses are gorgeous, love the style of

thesnailgarden said...

Thank you Deb, I'm looking forward to wearing them.
Janet, I too exercise more and I still weigh more than ever before.:(
We are going on a walking holiday in the summer, so I am hoping that will help! Pj x

moleymakes said...

I can sympathise with you on middle age spread. Been suffering from it for a few years now ...ha ha

I do like the ruched dress and those pearls will look splendid with it.

As for the support tights, I'm currently fighting getting myself a pair but I may have to succumb pretty soon. If they do the job though and make you look fab then why worry. It can be your very own secret ;)