Tuesday 19 February 2019

A Bumpy Start

January didn't start so well for me as I had the lurgy! I usually manage to avoid most winter bugs, but this one well and truly got me! Luckily that was the only bump in the road and there were some highs later in the month!
Around Christmastime I started knitting a Northeasterly Blanket using minis, gifts from friends and yarn leftover from other projects.  I have been enjoying this project, which is my first knitted blanket as I've only crocheted ones before.
I'm keeping my yarn for this project in a chocolate tin and they look so pretty!
Also, I've been working on my Floozy cardigan and a new cross stitch project.  Snowflower Diaries has generously published 12 free designs, one for each month, on her blog and my aim is to complete one a month and turn them into lavender sachets.
Towards the end of January I took part in the Big Garden Bird Watch, a survey for the RSPB.  We are fortunate to get many birds visiting our garden and they are a joy to watch.

There has been some mild weather this month.  Days started frosty, but were warm enough to tempt me do some gardening.  I am still being careful of my back, so only light digging was allowed.

 I have booked to attend the next Curious Handmade Country House Retreat, in March and to travel to Edinburgh Yarn Festival afterwards, which I am looking forward to.  The biggest highlight of January was the booking of our next holiday; we are going to Japan this spring!  I have always wanted to visit Japan during cherry blossom season, so fingers-crossed that the trees are in bloom when we go.

At the end of January I published another YouTube video.  I enjoyed filming vlogmas and have decided to do a monthly vlog.  I'm definitely not calling it a podcast! :) If you would like to see my projects in a little more detail, please follow the YouTube link in the side bar.  It is a short film, where I decide to be brave and say hello and have a little chat.  If you like the video please subscribe to my channel, as I will be uploading one each month.

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